Our clients love us.

I just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with Lisa McLeod’s work with my daughter after her ACL surgery. She was always sympathetic, and understanding. She gave clear explanations and anwered all questions fully. My daughter has a very clear idea of the exercises she needs to continue to do and she does them because Lisa explained what they do and why they are important. My daughter’s excellent progress demonstrates Lisa’s effectiveness.


Everyone was very nice and helpful. I was very pleased at the way I was treated by everyone. I want to thank Ron for all his help.


Sincere thanks for helping me through the initial recovery form total knee reconstruction. You are appreciated for your expertise and encouragement.


Betty is absolutely the most outstanding physical therapist I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Even though I have numerous physical limitations she always treated me as a whole person. Plus, Betty always accentuated the positive aspects of my condition even though I know they were not easy to find. I always left feeling better than I did when I arrived.


Skye is a great therapist. If, at any time, I need to go back, I would ask for him again. The exercises he gave me were perfect and took care of my problems.


A much better experience than I anticipated. I did not realize just how good physical therapy works! Thanks Ron!


Thank you for all of your help with getting my shoulder back into shape! Your professionalism as well as that of staff is really appreciated.


I felt Skye had a personal challenge to get my left shoulder back to where the right one is – making me feel like I was his only patient – Thank you NC&EPT.


Thank you for your wonderful care provided.


Skye is the best. He always answered all my questions and was very concerned if I was hurting and went out of his way to help all he could. He is an excellent Physical Therapist.


I’ve been to other physical therapists before for other reasons, but this one by far made me feel more at ease and cared for.


As I look back on this year, I think of all the help and encouragement and guidance you gave me in physical therapy that gave me back the range of motion in my right arm. I’m doing well and I thank you!


Pamella was always smiling and always called me by name. Such a pleasant way to start.


I wanted to thank you for all your help. Your professionalism and dedication are inspiring! I truly appreciate everything you did for me and my shoulders!


Thanks for helping me put a positive spin on things and for helping me achieve my personal goals. I truly appreciate all your hard work and help in individualizing a program to meet my needs.

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